RTF外企财税专家 外企财税专家

Key Tips about Technology Export Subsidies

Date:2015-07-28    Source:RTF    Author:RTF

What is Technology Export Subsidies?

Granted by the Beijing Ministry of Financeand approved by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce (BJCOC),Technology Export Subsidies are financial incentives conferred on enterprises exporting technological services and software. 

How much of a subsidy to receive?

Based on RTF working experience, for every 1USD of technology outsourcing revenue gained, a 0.07 CNY subsidy will be given out. SWEET! However, according to the advertisement of COCs, a 0.1 CNY was promised to be given out but instead only 0.07 CNY will find its way to the company's bank account.  The other 0.03 CNY will get lost on the way.  This is still a mystery to everyone. 


Is there any deadline as to the application?

This year's Technology Export Subsidy is applied next year, for e.g. 2013's Technology Export Subsidy is applied in 2014. 

Label:Technology Export Subsidies

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